Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diagram Of An Anotated Theodalite

want to trust herself

trust himself, instead of "other" is the prerequisite to wisdom. The first step in any spiritual growth, the trick is in fact an act of freedom and self-ego, perceiving, in all matters relating to the invisible one is for me a little creative act, a DO (which produces both lower results, as those who doubted you), and also to reflect on these results, or read the sacred texts, myths or understanding is possible only if we start from a question "What does all this with me? What something tells me my life? " and if you give in this matter, more important than any other.

A lot of people this seems too much improponibile.Dà vertigo: trust him and only him, too contrasts with what, from childhood, was taught by nearly all, that their ego is a source of truth values \u200b\u200band immeasurably inferior to the conventions, rules, authorities, the existing criteria in the WORLD.

It 's a real imprinting, which may continue to act for life: determine, yes, a sense of discomfort, more or less secret, but most seem to be able to cope better if they behave with those who smaller as the others had done with them, that is, convincing them that trust in themselves cause nothing but trouble. Which leads to a "consensus", a formidable complicity against the autonomy of the individual. The reconquest of the self-confidence, therefore, requires commitment, courage and, unfortunately, a long time.
aspects that assumes lack of faith in ourselves are:
1) Decisions are not taken, we are trying to hide from ourselves: we have not dared to use talents, but that we are not off; clarifications that we have not dared to claim in our relationships with others; clarifications that we have not dared to face with ourselves: what I want, What I really like ... etc Is at this stage, and in all other do not need to impose mandatory life changes, but only to notice the issues in question and understand what should be done to overcome them;
2) behavioral and psychosomatic problems caused by our lack of regard for ourselves: Inability to relax, unwind, enjoy a fear of pleasure, fear of saying what we think 8 that usually goes hand in hand with asthma), fear of admitting that we want to live anywhere else (which is characteristic of those who suffer from skin diseases), and the fear of examining our resentment characteristic of the obese), etc. .. From "Vocabulary" SOUL EDITION


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