Friday, March 18, 2011

Dog White Spot On Nose

Linux in the Office

Very short and thin in the video switch to Linux (Ubuntu and Debian 10.10 6) of the Secretariat of the Democratic Party Matera.
I hope you can post as soon as something better:
  • a public initiative for comparison to determine the best migration policy
  • and, finally, a time schedule for the migration.
At work ...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is The Difference Between Shoe Width M Or D

The matter passes to the Democratic Party Software Libre

Materano Yesterday the Democratic Party has almost completed its migration to the Software Libre.
None of that, God forbid, a PC was already there and we put ubuntu 10.10, ditto on another pc recovered around, while on an old ibm laptop (Pentium 3 with 384 MB RAM) we installed Debian 6 lxfce with desktop.
Now, the road to get to complete the migration to software libre local public administration is not a good point, but thanks to the efforts of the Secretary of the PD Matera, Simonetta Guarini who pushed for this act of common sense , a concrete step has been taken.
No more projects or good intentions, but actually gained as a fact.
Since yesterday, city councilors, activists, councilors, Managers and supervisors will use libre software for their activities in the Party headquarters.
And, since they are in the Secretariat of the Party and not in council or city council, I think still a good start.
I think that now the party would launch a public initiative to urge the administration to begin recovering the lost ground.
We'll see what we will be able to push up, however, unlike the usual, my stubbornness in these cases is a virtue and not a defect.
In short, as it unfortunately could be one month, and our main launch a true "Call to Duty" to realize even higher levels in the spread of software libre.
I believe that an event of type information and discussion there is as well, but soon will be necessary to have a time schedule for Migration, the statements of principle are certainly encouraging, but only when they are unique and followed by deeds.
This is a fact, come next.

PS: maybe you'll post a short video attached to the event!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Chronicle of a Death Foretold: The Renewable Energy in Italy

admit that I was a bit 'distracted and failing in full public performance of the preparative stages of the renewable energy sector Italian.
In fact, the Minister Romano decided that, since we almost achieved what we thought we achieved only in 2020, may well suffice.
The 8,000 MW of peak to be installed by 2020, in fact, will be completed within a few months.
Consistent Minister Romano
as part of a team policy that tries to bury as much as possible the country's must have seemed intolerable to the existence of an industry vanguard.
therefore decided that the incentive system that has miraculously brought Italy to an unexpected 6 - - compared to what should be its level of energy production from renewable sources, compared to the usual Germany is to be dismantled.
End of the games.
The market is not yet ripe for the suspension of the incentives that must be reduced gradually. To date, they have worked. We went in a few years from 7000.00 to € 4000.00 per peak kW installed (with high quality components, can also be made to 3000.00) for small plants.
Instead, flab.
Sure, some remedial action would be desirable for installations of speculation on land, but the incentive should be extended to companies: it is ironic that the small firms do not know how to take advantage of Italy at the main benefit of photovoltaics: the zero for small businesses in energy costs.
fabbrichette of Italy, the warehouses, who complain of high production costs, has not been able to get 20 to 200 kW of panels on the roof and clear the energy costs in its critical manufacturing sector. Reference to
this article details, it is not necessary to repeat things already known.
What else?
that the measure may not pass?
Relying on hope is not my forte, especially when even the mere recognition that a Minister of Development has designed a similar abomination is sufficient to lead to despair.
I wonder if the regional government, in the unlikely event that the measure passes, can not use oil revenue to replace part of the incentives on renewable?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Heavy Metal Poisoning Milk And Egg As Antidote

The house is kept vacant at the SUV as that entered in a free market is the electric car

consider an SUV.
One of those nice big cars that are seen regularly and illegally roam between Piazza seat, with driver stuck strictly to your phone, and maybe the surroundings of the Villa Comunale.
Apart violations the highway code, what's wrong?
(Open parenthesis: because we have to tolerate the slaughter of Square Seat and related congestion in pedestrian areas? Close parenthesis)
This SUV has been paid a heavy price.
The owner pays us for insurance and road tax, and every time he fills up a large amount of taxes paid to the State.
For very superficial analysis, its theory are made: some like it buy a bag that costs three salaries, some people like it, instead of taking a walk, sit in a kind of tank that uses three times a normal car to make 500 meters.
But it is not.
Why, if our gentileman the example above is free to use its money more or less what he wants, is not free of charge to appropriate other people's property:
to from space occupied, through the safety of other motorists and pedestrians and ending with the air pollution that causes burning so much fuel.
B isogna take the lead in that times have changed, the energy from oil will become very expensive and we can not afford to keep going as if nothing had happened to pollute the atmosphere and to consume natural resources, consume air, water and agricultural soils can no longer be available in the individual in an absolute manner.
For example: When I was little, in front of his uncle's new car on duty, always ask: what is time?
Now I ask: what we consume?
But now I ask: how much pollution?
Same for town planning.
The old houses will become more rove nts in summer and cold winter, we must rethink the city. We need to demolish and rebuild the old houses there, where there is already urbanized land new homes, warm in winter and cool in summer, low or negative energy impact.
why not look with sympathy habit throughout Matera Italy in general and in particular to keep out of the market the second and third homes.
Of course, the owners pay us on ICI and TARSU, everything in order.
Each of its money that makes us think that, again in theory.
Why, of course, that if Matera money is not divested so unproductively is that things can improve so easily, but I digress.
The point is that an apartment is empty artificially coast money to its rightful owner, but also a cost to the community rather than salt that must be borne by the convenience of those who own homes and keep empty.
a cost that, frankly, it's just ridiculously compensated by ICI and TARSU:
the social cost at prices artificially high in a context of high supply and low demand.
the social cost to the inability of many young people to marry and have children, a direct result of very low economic growth.
The ecological cost for using air, water, soil minerals and agricultural commodities that are collective nature of to build unnecessary buildings, not to mention the public money lavished upon them in various ways' building in various guises over the years.
the economic damage inflicted on the public with the false belief that only cemented ports building wealth, as if decades and decades of such policies are not at the base of sconquassi today.
the economic damage suffered by a community free of capital equipment de facto in building the value
Even today, in a field candidates for the title of Capital of the vacant houses that European Capital of Culture 2019, you think you want to boost the economy with the same motivations that led to sack of the city in 30 years.
Predictably, with the prospect of obtaining the same results.
But the building in general, the House plan in particular, in fact, could actually be an opportunity for urban redevelopment, if they were directed to recall the havoc avoid consuming more precious soil, using technologies such as solar energy self-sufficiency.
Be it that a minimum of new development is needed for a variety of economic factors, but there is to tell you that is necessary to give a home to young people, as it is not: a
static situation now offer multi-year high and low demand with prices continually rising it is an argument that does not hold.
Precisely because of the presence in town of a large number of vacant houses.
There is no reason to believe that the reverse phenomenon is building more.
There is no reason to believe that the present situation will improve without taking appropriate action and to encourage the marketing of empty houses.
There is no way to reverse the decline of culture, economic and environmental policy by continuing the same line as always.
Easy, no?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Best Name Of Ragnarok


- Someone who is unable to write, some people just take ... where is the balance between giving and receiving?

In War and Peace there is something very beautiful: the protagonist, who appears already in the first volume of four, and Pierre Bezukhov is a tremendously generous person . Illegitimate son of a Russian nobleman, was actually very poor for a lifetime, and does not understand the value of money ;
when was poor did not care to be poor, and when it suddenly becomes very rich, still does not understand. So much money pours out to all who require it to him, and what he looks very nice.
however does not understand why - despite wanting to be good and giving to all - wrong all the time: people who give money or are not deserving or resent against him ... Eventually (after almost four volumes), and after being held captive by the French etc, discovers he has a kind of talent that does not know how he arrived, he realizes that he can give people which is good to give , and not to those to whom it is good not give. And from that moment is wonderfully observed ... even if he does not know how he came to have this ability.
Tolstoy does not explain it but it suggests to those who can and who is interested in the subject ... that if one asks whether and still wondering, he discovered (maybe after thirty years who read the novel) that there is an episode in which Pierre Bezukhov, deported by the French, going to be killed and close to death, and here he realizes that the thing that gives most trouble to the world and that makes you always wrong when you have consciousness you.
It 's a speech exactly opposite to self-esteem. As soon as you think to yourself and say "but I do what is right and what is right which is not ... etc?", Or follow a line of extreme caution and just end up not only what you choose and even that that your rationality (which is not a great satisfaction in the end, and eventually you get bored) or wrong.
Instead, the secret to finding balance in things is something wonderful but is achieved only for a very long time of growth is I find that your own is not . If you can do without the concept of I , just to be there - without thinking of being there - all your choices regarding giving and receiving are all of them right.
I think it's just an economic factor. Consider a piece of paper and say you represent all the strength I have, for example, for a total of 10 units. If this leaflet looks at himself, must spend part of his strength and then 4 units could be allocated to observation, so the end will have only the remaining 6. But if you're whole, and do not care to do something right or wrong, you're not there to think about it, to control - as if anyone cared that something exists or not - then you are always in balance .. . but this is difficult and can only be achieved through deep personal experience.
From an interview

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Really Tall Converses

House Plan and Town Planning Regulations : I love the plans well managed (Col. John "Hannibal" Smith)

House Plan and Town Planning Regulations (commonly known as Plan).
is the theme of the day, indeed, in the year.
They are not an expert in construction or planning, let alone if I express an opinion to address the current state of uncertainty and information sources.
The housing plan is in its early stages of definition, the urban plan has not yet been submitted.
Also, personally, I refuse to give certificates of rationality to decisions made without knowledge of the state of things.
Today, February 2011, there are many empty houses in the city of Matera and how many people are looking for home?
That is: what is the relationship between supply and demand?
seems like a trivial question, but this argument in that matter, and a real the glass ceiling.
It's easy to understand why.
probably taking all the arguments with the benefit of the doubt due to the absence of reliable data, Matera is already, in fact, a ghost town.
Take a ride in a car at 22 Wednesday in the Cup, when 80% of Materani is glued to the TV.
will see entire buildings in the darkness, only a few buildings with lighted windows, buildings with more off-sale signs that balconies.
both in the center to periphery, both North and South
Matera a city of new buildings that fall.
If you quantify that arrived at for each subject in search of the house there are dozens of empty houses do not think there would be a revolution, after the deafening silence of the rest of the post civil nights Arcore el'acquiescenza also because of the catastrophe economic, what you want it to be a small Southern town where the houses cost four times the minimum price he would just as soon as market conditions are decent?
Empirically, by coming to terms with his nose, I can therefore say that the potential supply is several multiples higher than demand. Home prices, however, are higher than those of some multiple of the congruent market.
A house on the outskirts of 100sqm also costs € 250,000.00, I think it's worth four times that in the circumstances:
Low demand, high supply, intellectual emigration and non-generalized seizure.
Our company has decided that young couples, even university graduates, they can count on an average annual income (and precarious) of about 15 - 20 000 € for the lucky ones.
These numbers tell the whole story.
Moreover, it takes little to realize that companies can finance themselves by selling only a portion of a building and, with the current regime, can afford to wait decades before selling their own money without fear of having to do with the law of supply and demand.
Other numbers, calculated on the basis currently unknown to me, tell us, however, the requirement is 2600 units of housing to be built by 2017.
these numbers will be based on housing plan and the planning rules.
Well does the Secretary of the Party to want to wait for the presentation of the planning rules because it's time to turn the page and end the culture of the emergency plan to start a second reason and not by special interests and local authorities.
Developing a Strategic Plan that goes from general to specific is the only way out of the perverse logic of the exception, emergency, accepting the fait accompli.
Unfortunately, the housing plan is what it is: an exception to the procedures of the planning rules required by the national and Papy, where the new regional government of Basilicata has also taken the opportunity to municipalities to decide the scope of intervention.
It 's true that 40% of dwellings under the House plan are subsidized housing and, therefore, should ease the problem just described here.
It 's true that placing housing market of 2600, again in theory, should the market moderation.
But, unfortunately, the same theory has already been disproved by the facts: an overabundance of supply to unprecedented levels does not cause a fall in prices.
houses, it is true, can not be built.
But neither are sold.
are preserved, empty, for lack of buyers with the necessary money to spend.
So, for now, keep them empty it costs very little to the owners of the third, fourth and fiftieth homes.
Now, since the the House is a constitutional right, and considering that we live in a Town stracementificata, in a nation where one out of ten square meter is covered with bricks, I think it is profoundly wrong to think of solving the problem by adding cement to the concrete.
We are in 2011 and there are no natural resources to add new cities next to those half-empty, we do not have more money, more arable land, more water, more air contaminates unnecessarily.
Because, although the right to private property is also a constitutional right, there is no constitutional right to possession air and water.
The housing plan is not compulsory, but it is an opportunity that can be exploited for the redevelopment of the city.
The problem in this regard is that the town council has little chance to influence the expressions of interest submitted.
In practice, while there is some faint hope of alleviating the plight of the issue home with 40% of social housing planned in the house (and I reiterate that I do not believe so far for the reasons expressed ), the other a name worthy of the planning rules could help to redevelop the city by modern standards without losing the lot in an area already martyred.
Homes low environmental impact, restructuring and retraining of urbanization and green, alternative energy, possible ways are certainly many, this is not the place to talk about it.
Personally, this line is that I spend in the Secretariat and the Executive, from a political standpoint, but from a more general point of view I'd like it would come to the obvious, which is not granted in this country:
the obvious, to me means making legislatively convenient to put the houses on the market rather than keep them empty (and often even stacked) to hundreds.
A City of empty houses that can not be a Town Sterile.
not building another district Aquarium that will relaunch the economy of the city, but pursuing different solutions from the past that break the vicious cycle that has brought the matter to be a long and almost deserted cement factory in the open.


course, the word "Sassi" there

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Trading Pokemon Mac Nds

"ANGELS" By Igor Igor Sibaldi

"ANGELS" By Igor Sibaldi : "'THE ANGELS' By Igor Sibaldi"

Does Coffee Weakens Enamel Tooth

Sibaldi - 101

Igor Sibaldi ( Milan, Italy , 15 June 1957), born from Russian mother and Italian father, is an Italian writer, scholar of theology and history of religion. Sibaldi is the author of Numerous works on the Scripture  and  shamanism . He regularly holds conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad about mythology ,  exegesis  and  depth psychology . He worked for a long time on  angelology  in  Jewish tradition , equalizing it to an ancient form of  psychology . His favourite style is the essay-novel form. He has published, among the others,  The Invisible Teachers   (Mondadori)  The forbidden fruit of knowledge   (Frassinelli)  The Ark of the new Masters   (Frassinelli)  The invisible world   (Frassinelli) Book of Angels   (Frassinelli) and new translations of Genesis (   The creation of the universe , Sperling and Kupfer) and the Gospel of John ( The Code of the Secret Gospel , Sperling and Kupfer).

Igor Sibaldi - 101 desideri

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against the laws created by men, men are obedient to the law, violators of the law men and women who defend the law. But the man just does not say: I am with the law so I have military in the ranks of law enforcement. The right man is simply the law and ensure the integrity of the law to prevent law enforcement to ensure protection of the law by acts contrary to law. There is a divine law, and there are men who are acting against the law of God and men who fight in the name of the triumph of God's law. But your place is out of sides, guarding the divine law that no one can touch it, so that it retains its integrity, and pure, immaculate, bright, can be shown as a supreme warning to litigants on both sides.

G. Guareschi

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diagram Of An Anotated Theodalite

want to trust herself

trust himself, instead of "other" is the prerequisite to wisdom. The first step in any spiritual growth, the trick is in fact an act of freedom and self-ego, perceiving, in all matters relating to the invisible one is for me a little creative act, a DO (which produces both lower results, as those who doubted you), and also to reflect on these results, or read the sacred texts, myths or understanding is possible only if we start from a question "What does all this with me? What something tells me my life? " and if you give in this matter, more important than any other.

A lot of people this seems too much improponibile.Dà vertigo: trust him and only him, too contrasts with what, from childhood, was taught by nearly all, that their ego is a source of truth values \u200b\u200band immeasurably inferior to the conventions, rules, authorities, the existing criteria in the WORLD.

It 's a real imprinting, which may continue to act for life: determine, yes, a sense of discomfort, more or less secret, but most seem to be able to cope better if they behave with those who smaller as the others had done with them, that is, convincing them that trust in themselves cause nothing but trouble. Which leads to a "consensus", a formidable complicity against the autonomy of the individual. The reconquest of the self-confidence, therefore, requires commitment, courage and, unfortunately, a long time.
aspects that assumes lack of faith in ourselves are:
1) Decisions are not taken, we are trying to hide from ourselves: we have not dared to use talents, but that we are not off; clarifications that we have not dared to claim in our relationships with others; clarifications that we have not dared to face with ourselves: what I want, What I really like ... etc Is at this stage, and in all other do not need to impose mandatory life changes, but only to notice the issues in question and understand what should be done to overcome them;
2) behavioral and psychosomatic problems caused by our lack of regard for ourselves: Inability to relax, unwind, enjoy a fear of pleasure, fear of saying what we think 8 that usually goes hand in hand with asthma), fear of admitting that we want to live anywhere else (which is characteristic of those who suffer from skin diseases), and the fear of examining our resentment characteristic of the obese), etc. .. From "Vocabulary" SOUL EDITION

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I mean by this term feel very precise and well-known anyone who has tried any spiritual quest or self-analysis: at some point something, you know what, prevents you from continuing, it makes you feel weak, confused, incompetent, and the more you strive to shake off, especially something that takes paralizza.Può strength and you made while you're thinking, or praying, or especially while you are indicating some desire that seems particularly important.
Many in these cases, give up and declare: "I can not! Not for me ...". Other more agile, ask those who know more than loro.Altri again, sooner or later learn that the resistance are in fact the most precious moments of inner growth, which in essence is nothing if not research and overcoming our resistance gradually larger.
It refers to that the passage of the Gospels: "It is more fun the sky for one who has noticed his sins, not ninety-nine righteous who do not need to notice anything." (Luke 15:7)
The Resistance is in fact the moment we begin realizing some of our situation painfully unresolved, while the "ninety-nine" are what in fact we did not need to notice anything, as is already proceeding very well: and it "is more rejoicing in heaven" for our strengths, not for our good proceed, simply because if there is a way to overcome resistance we ourselves, and then to grow, to discover new things, and where everything goes well we tend to stay where we already are. (A technological equivalent of this situation is given by the bulb, in which the wire corresponds to the "ninety-nine" and the tungsten filament, which gives light, is precisely the resistance.) Ensure that our personal strengths to give light, moreover, is quite facile.Quando it receives, simply ask: "Why do I feel so now?" What I found in my heart that holds me back? What scares me? ". And, once the resistance has turned into a question like this, it is already the tungsten filament, which will light up and illuminate many things, when it crossed the stream, that is, from an authentic desire to obtain a risposta.Da " VOCABULARY "Soul editions

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willpower 'Freedom and Responsibility

It 'important to have the will? In what sense?

is obvious that the will is important: "if you want," etc. ... for what I know about the will, but I think it is interesting to note that this work in practice.
In the life of a person realize the different situations: when a person wants something, that is for sure , and when a person does not want something, that is for sure, because " not "not important. If you think about something that not want you there and focus on, and still think, at some point find a way to put together a series of systems for which then you do not want that to happen.

It 's easy to think that both ways: if a person has a objective, his memory acts selectively on the basis of this . We know that we do not remember all that we see but a selection. The perception is selective, but everything that is on the borderline between perception and memory is not so clear in the sense that in general we think that something exists when it is perceived and you can not remember, but it also hand etc, and then the mechanism is not so obvious.

However, if I have a purpose and want to achieve, for example entering a room I see a dozen objects in 20 seconds. If someone comes after me, at the same time we realize this, in turn, a dozen items ... If we list both what we saw, we would obtain two lists are completely different, being that I select the world according to what I want

This is true even for what I do not want . If something and I do not want to drive over there, obviously I'll see what I do not want anyway ... Then stated that if a person wants one thing, this is the case, and if he does not want one thing, this happens.

It 's interesting to see, however, what situations are not realized: you are what you want . The verb "shall" and the verb "will" are like two entities that both have the same "charge" and then repel each other ... If I want okay ... If I I want something, but not'll never get.
why most people do not make money, because all of them think they want the money, in reality very few people want money because money is not that there is much to be desired: as an instrument, possibly money allows you to go to anything else you want . Instead, people say "I want the money," and because they want the money? Why does everyone think in this way: "I'm not the only mica fool I do not want the money?" Then I have to force me to want the money, "and because" I have to want to "fail.

Another example: I establish that I find a boyfriend, then I will a boyfriend and, oddly enough, since I decided that I need a boyfriend, I can not ever find it. .. (And also by those two guys that I had noticed, did not come out of nothing). This is one of the reasons that usually rains in the wet, and who has a girlfriend, for example, we can find many more and when they do not, can not realize a story, and all persons that is not going well.
Among other things, the to want is an annihilator of tremendous creativity, and makes the memory select your experiences that you do not need and that are outside of your lens. And if you put all much the will that can, for example, 50 thousand units "will" and only 1 unit of "I" of the fact have to want something that makes you come to realize, but at the wrong time, wrong way and that in the end will not work.

Therefore, in general, people realize too late that you have the wrong life, when maybe you are going to die ... because for all their lives, have decided to have to want things and have not obtained, or obtained the information they have not received any joy.

As for the will, one of the worst poisons that there on this and that, though widespread, not everyone comes to discover is that many people think "I want a certain thing" but do not really want them but it is the desire of someone else . E 'the desire of the mother or father who has not been achieved and they want to accomplish in some way, or even it is the desire of a classmate who admired so much when they were kids ... "Look at that guy who wanted that thing ... he certainly will not see that but I'll get it" and maybe even get to claim them, after a terrific effort and without joy, lasting many years, to find out - eventually - that not worth nothing.
(From an interview

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way out of situations that make us unhappy?

A normal person usually has no intention to get out of their misery , would be a bad bargain would not have anything to talk about. If you have back pain or something you went wrong, then there is much to talk about, and others are also to hear why, as you complain, they are almost assured of being better than you.

In reality no one is convinced of really exist: in a normal society and civil everyone know that they are more or less a tool, a cog in a machine, then when you can stop and say "ouch, it hurts here," "how unfortunate" or "guy left me ..." I bought our value, importance.

often not go to the doctor to be healed - would be a great spite if the doctor did - but to seek treatment. It remains there as long as possible and are willing to pay a lot even if the doctor is there to hear and say "I". For example, during my consultations (Editor's note - of angelology) happens regularly that one in ten people complain because it is not private but public, in front of others because there is no room for such things ... and that is exactly what the purpose. The doctor can say "I ... I ... I ..." and "care of me" rather than the type of indication that I think is right is to "take care of yourself - not "I have to deal with you." Only when a person begins to deal with it the ability to talk suddenly collapses ...

Imagine, for example, that our energy costs is indicated by a meter as the gas. The counter of a person who complains must be very fast in the sense that the energy expenditure of a person who is explaining what the suffering is huge, it's like downloading a truck, as if he went to the gym, and then is happy .. . The share of energy that a person has a daily basis is usually very high, and in modern civilization where we eat three times a day, you move always in the car etc.., you have very few opportunities to consume this reserve then, since you do not know what to do, you download complaining and telling their problems . In this way the evening you are tired and you can sleep, insomnia else takes over ...

Otherwise, if an individual uses the only existing way to be valid with immediate effect and that is not happy note, give absolutely no weight to the negative things he sees around, and but only see things that are worth see and enjoy - which is hard to do - then begins to feel wonderfully well. At that point, then gives way to fear ... because the problem is that when you start to feel good , its amount of energy is increasing dramatically, an individual's risk of becoming like a lunatic, because he does not know what to do absolutely any job and becomes unsuitable.

In our civilization we perform jobs that require very little energy compared to that you have, and then all this energy that advances should be employed in some way. Also because this unused energy at a certain point it becomes disease - than those who consume the excess energy as that required for a cold start, produce all that mucus, inflammation, etc. ...

As I said, to really get out the attitude of unhappiness is to go around the city and avoid dwelling on notice or anything that is not acceptable, and instead impose note that only like that. A person may be ugly, nasty, greasy, bad, violent ... but you can see that his shoes are very beautiful ("beautiful shoes that you saw that?") and not spend energy in this, then go to buy now as we'd spent an afternoon to find the shoes that I liked ...

To use energy, there are two channels essential creativity and sexuality.

- then there is something other than the sick and complaining ...

make space for creativity to experiment with various situations, as well as sexuality can become very active, but the excess energy at the base and sometimes it's really not enough to be creative and have a regular sex life. We need to find something really significant a away like a nuclear physicist, a saint, a poet ... but some have only read four books in his life, and what can do this? That is not to find something to complain about ... complaining neighbor, the boss at work, that other problem, and more, so that they may feel tired, sleepy and sit up with a nice coffee.

My Toe Hurts When Touched

"I do not know, I do not know who I am ..." here, comes to mind that song by Mina, very nice, about limits. I do not know, and when I say you know me I'm lying ... because they are a lot bigger than what I think I am. From this point of view, the responsibility for what is one of the most socially useful aspects, it can be a way to keep me at bay, to resign myself to what little I know I am.

Let me explain. Socrates said "I know I do not know"; applied to this speech, it becomes "I do not know what to be, I am what I inside me does not know how big " ... what ; is my ego. Then, the responsibility, if they equate to behave, to act according to certain patterns, etc.. Can be a major obstacle. Freedom, however, also understood as "evil", that is as capricious, spiteful, irregularities, something very useful, because it lets you see how far you can get.

People frequently very afraid of two things: make mistakes, and be wrong. In fact, is wrong is being wrong is what is on happen, because in this way and discover you know to be different from what you thought . The responsible person is not wrong, that's right ... people who do not make mistakes do not I do not like at all, I suspect they create ... to be clear, I hear a little 'too ... limited.

theological An example: David, at some point, does something inappropriate, falls in love with the wife of his general, Uriah. This woman married to Uriah to him like a lot, and decided to do something horrible: he gives orders to his soldiers so that, during a fight, Urijah leading up to and beyond the enemy camp, and so leave the massacre. Uria, poor, lost his life in this way and David took possession of his widow. And it's a bad thing, a dreadful situation, right? But it so happens that this woman was Bathsheba, and Solomon was born from this story. David had a seventy between lovers and wives, but not with these that gives life to Solomon, who instead was born out of a bad thing ... and is the greatest of kings.

This is part of that whole chapter of theology of providence by which a person does not know, do not know whether and to what extent his freedom, freedom to fail , freedom not to be himself, can be a guide for self-discovery. From an interview with Camilla Ripani (nonsolo

Freedom and Responsibility

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can Genital Herpes Look Like A Scratch?

Via Bel

Małgorzata Mleczko Psycholog

See Low Lamporecchio (PT)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wedding Invitation Wording For Friends

The Secretary of the Democratic Party and the League's complaint

In recent weeks the political front has not remained idle and led me to confront the new Secretary of the Democratic Party Matera.
E ', of course, premature to explain any form of optimism for the future, much less than it is to sing Win or publicly propose a course of active tissue reconstruction of PD Matera.
prefer to express optimism about the present.
And frankly, the facts already acquired for the working methodology proposal for the reasons expressed.
The Democratic Party has often been harshly criticized on these pages myself.
But I think I can afford, as well as content and manufacturer of force.
In my first experience of this kind I have experienced the common desire to turn the page.
But these are intentions.
laudable intentions, but still.
We'll see if I will be able to help turn them into facts.
Why is it that we have done urgently.
And the facts are not lacking.
The Democratic Party is the only Italian political organization to have preserved the fundamental word "party" in its name. I have been pointed out with pride.
PDL, FLI, SEL, IDV, all left without a party, all parties on a personal basis.
The Democratic Party has all the defects you want, but it is the last barrier remained between us and the Caesarism institutionalized.
This is a fact.
That does not hide the others, painful facts about the PD.
But it is certainly a starting point.
Why, with all the flaws of this world, the PD has its strength in the infrastructure of culture and ideas built in the time that it was time to put to good use.
Looking beyond the bunga bunga, in fact, are much more concerned about what happens in the Veneto region where the institutions have crumbled in the incredible squalor of the League's hunting book.
After the death of our soldiers in Afghanistan this is the news of the week.
Even books Saviano, with timing to be consumed Torquemada, have gone to the index.
These are real monsters that begin to physically walk around the streets of the country, probably unaware of just be reincarnation of an evil already seen.
is why it is in the party par excellence, the container of a plurality physically true, that there may be an alternative to a future of the tribunes.
is why I think it is worthwhile to work in the PD: it is one of the last lines of defense is not collective much to the appearance of the Knight and his scandals, as against the counterculture of the personalism that sleazy actions such as those seen in the censorship of books, the current practice of the future that awaits us if we fail.
And we will fail.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Formula For Recurring Deposits Interest

without direction is a direction (the head in the sand)

Okay, the direction of PD has been how it went.
That is, if it were not for the circumstances, not too bad.
Unfortunately, the circumstances are.
An unprecedented attempt to crush the concept of work as it is understood in the West from the first post-war period is currently underway.
is designed to shamelessly suck more energy to the country for the opportunity for the ruling classes to maintain their privileges.
The crisis in the country worsens steadily while a few kilometers similar phenomena have already taken to the extreme resulted in revolt.
And what does the Democratic Party?
Overall, nothing.
Its factions, however, oscillate between the positions constructive and timely and sympathetic output of the mayors of Florence and Turin in favor of Marchionne.
As a good self-employed person who dreams them certain rights (say, a month of annual leave or illness, yes and no if I do leave a year and 8 days with a fever to 38 to confirm that it works great), I could fuck frankly, a lot, for me, the worse the better.
Instead, this is the crucial stage.
not so important who wins the Yes or No.
It 'important to be able to make a choice: we must pursue
China (Doctrine Marchionne), or are we chasing Germany and Scandinavia (Jordan Option & Associates)?
The issue is that the Doctrine Marchionne is a false history: the incidence of 7% of the job worker on the production costs of the car, with focus all 'I'm little' bit 'of war on a component of this is ridiculously low objectively a pretext for social control that has little do with the financial performance of a multinational.
's why I'm quite annoyed with managers and breakers, drivers and similar: The PD
should NOT suggest to vote yes or no to the workers who are also adults and vaccinated and are living in a world impervious to the thought of this leadership.
The PD would not scream attack the rights to what are the trade unions, but the mystification of economic powers of the government and unable to build a winning strategy for the country and determined to stay there, at the top, at the expense everything.
Instead, you let the false game guiltily attract investment to lose here, the jobs there, while you pretend to forget that a firm's investment makes them serious enough and if he wants to survive.
Pass Mayor of Turin, but noted further convergence between the leadership of the movement of scrap with Berlusconi is a sad sign of genetic failure of the party.
Yet, much of the PD is a project to regenerate the country, to rebuild a strong community of national renewal, it has one, coherent and effective.
bad I do not have a voice or space.