Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Labelled Viking Lonboat

willpower 'Freedom and Responsibility

It 'important to have the will? In what sense?

is obvious that the will is important: "if you want," etc. ... for what I know about the will, but I think it is interesting to note that this work in practice.
In the life of a person realize the different situations: when a person wants something, that is for sure , and when a person does not want something, that is for sure, because " not "not important. If you think about something that not want you there and focus on, and still think, at some point find a way to put together a series of systems for which then you do not want that to happen.

It 's easy to think that both ways: if a person has a objective, his memory acts selectively on the basis of this . We know that we do not remember all that we see but a selection. The perception is selective, but everything that is on the borderline between perception and memory is not so clear in the sense that in general we think that something exists when it is perceived and you can not remember, but it also hand etc, and then the mechanism is not so obvious.

However, if I have a purpose and want to achieve, for example entering a room I see a dozen objects in 20 seconds. If someone comes after me, at the same time we realize this, in turn, a dozen items ... If we list both what we saw, we would obtain two lists are completely different, being that I select the world according to what I want

This is true even for what I do not want . If something and I do not want to drive over there, obviously I'll see what I do not want anyway ... Then stated that if a person wants one thing, this is the case, and if he does not want one thing, this happens.

It 's interesting to see, however, what situations are not realized: you are what you want . The verb "shall" and the verb "will" are like two entities that both have the same "charge" and then repel each other ... If I want okay ... If I I want something, but not'll never get.
why most people do not make money, because all of them think they want the money, in reality very few people want money because money is not that there is much to be desired: as an instrument, possibly money allows you to go to anything else you want . Instead, people say "I want the money," and because they want the money? Why does everyone think in this way: "I'm not the only mica fool I do not want the money?" Then I have to force me to want the money, "and because" I have to want to "fail.

Another example: I establish that I find a boyfriend, then I will a boyfriend and, oddly enough, since I decided that I need a boyfriend, I can not ever find it. .. (And also by those two guys that I had noticed, did not come out of nothing). This is one of the reasons that usually rains in the wet, and who has a girlfriend, for example, we can find many more and when they do not, can not realize a story, and all persons that is not going well.
Among other things, the to want is an annihilator of tremendous creativity, and makes the memory select your experiences that you do not need and that are outside of your lens. And if you put all much the will that can, for example, 50 thousand units "will" and only 1 unit of "I" of the fact have to want something that makes you come to realize, but at the wrong time, wrong way and that in the end will not work.

Therefore, in general, people realize too late that you have the wrong life, when maybe you are going to die ... because for all their lives, have decided to have to want things and have not obtained, or obtained the information they have not received any joy.

As for the will, one of the worst poisons that there on this and that, though widespread, not everyone comes to discover is that many people think "I want a certain thing" but do not really want them but it is the desire of someone else . E 'the desire of the mother or father who has not been achieved and they want to accomplish in some way, or even it is the desire of a classmate who admired so much when they were kids ... "Look at that guy who wanted that thing ... he certainly will not see that but I'll get it" and maybe even get to claim them, after a terrific effort and without joy, lasting many years, to find out - eventually - that not worth nothing.
(From an interview


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