Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Invitation In Tamil Format

The Organization of the Pastoral Council after

The man and his actions sonosempre the center of Western thought. The anthropological question dellariflessione Christian becomes the central issue especially after the Second Vatican Council. The Chiesadel post - is a Church council in research, service and growth hapreso act of ecclesial and social changes of our country. This is where the Italian bishops unmomento Questions the 'evangelization of pastoral and put them on a project. "Evangelization and sacraments of the Church is the PrimoConvegno later - that the Council was held in Rome from 30 Ottobreal November 4, 1976. The Italian Church rediscovers the fundamental dimensionestorica of his work and act.
deglianni Pastoral Project 80 took the title of "Communion and Community." The period eraparticolarmente difficult: it was a widespread theoretical and practical atheism. Ildocumento programming reflects the intra ecclesiaad to design the evangelizing mission ad extra (on ' ecclesia ad extra ) . Secondoil philosopher Armando Rigobello the moral conscience of Italians in the 70th year 80 had changed and needed new models. There was the refusal dellatradizione and mediation, the root of violent acts, desuntadai new moral values, reduction of any subjective choice ethics, mentalitànichilista.
For this reason the Church celebrated Loreto 9 to 13 April 1983, the Second Church Meeting "Reconciliation Christian men and of men." The local church is illuogo of reconciliation in the country. The Pastoral Report published at the end delConvegno "The Church in Italy after Loreto", aims to richiamarel'attenzione on what has been lived, summed up the message that the Convegnoha entrusted to the Church: the conference should become history and history deveessere truth and reconciliation of concrete proof in itself and nellacomunità men.
scenario change in anniNovanta. The fall of totalitarian regimes in Europe as a turning point. Temaposto the attention of the Italian community is testimony of charity and evangelization . The charity is privileged by virtue of being nuovaevangelizzazione "essence of God." The Third Church Meeting was aPalermo 20 to 24 November 1995 by the title "The Gospel of charity for unanuova company in Italy." This conference dwelt on young people, families, poor, social and political commitment. We invite Christians to become "salt" and "light" for a just and peaceful coexistence. The Church in this climaculturale must offer a new contribution research in the country. A dellepriorità emerged as a result of the Third Conference is the new evangelization and inculturation of the faith dellacultura. The project is to fill the fractures were created checol time between gospel and culture.
Today the episcopate italianoritiene that evangelization and catechesis are two obligatory steps.
The first graduation schedule for the 2000 decade is about Christ (Our program): to be known and imitated Eviva. It may well with him transform history until the completion dellaGerusalemme Celeste. In this moment in history, Christian thought siinterroga on the paradigm of man, to propose in postmodern culture "the Christian vision of man. The problem is at the heart of man riflessionidella Church must first of all to listen to the culture of nostromondo, giving importance to the historical memory, not to lose sight leesperienze. At the center of reflection is split between the Gospel and Cultura.Oggi more than ever is the anthropological question destianta to join us. Ilprogetto culture on the relationship between Christian faith and anthropology. IlCardinale Ruini Bologna talking about changes proposed not to adapt, mamodificare, orient, convert these attitudes. To bring the futuropensiero Christian, one must question the anthropology of today. It is not sempliceintercettare contemporary trends. We can speak of "rationalization" and "secularization." L ' postmodern man has invented the "project - happiness," and shy of interpersonal relationships, pursuing pleasure, without which it is inclined towards an early conclusion dellavita. The position of thinking that is inspired by Christianity recuperaree must raise a unified vision of man as a person without forgetting ladimensione body. Thanks to the Internet has changed the way of understanding lafisicità the human body. A new issue of recent times is quelladel of ethical pluralism in comparison to the prospects of Christian ethics.
oggiconsiste The ethical task of creating a future of peaceful coexistence characterized daestraneità moral and diversity of religions. Do not forget the globalizzazioneche calls for fast adaptability. The Church proposes to costruireun future worthy of human beings.


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