Friday, July 23, 2010

Pokemon Season 1 English Subtitles

participation and democracy

we have not enrolled for this.
I expected to have already filled the pages of Chronicles of initiatives, proposals for the City, and even constructive criticism of stress and poisonous arrows, because no!
analysis on what is (or has not) happened is full web and the local press, sed raepetita Juvante annoying, "said Professor G. in my green years. So, let's go further.
It is a practical as well.
A group of activists decided to military recover the wavering banner of a party that will be evanescent in the results of these days, but who has responsibility and concretissime!
is why we, all together, prepared and circulated the document that you can read below, and we also opened a space for public discussion here, free for the contribution of those who see opportunity in the differences of flexibility and not in the feudal castle of eternal self-division on the left.

Dear fellow citizens, dear fellow citizens
want to invite you to join and participate in the discussion and analysis on political, social and economic that invests the region of Basilicata and the provincial government and municipal
Matera. The initiative stems from our desire to
ethics, transparency, innovation and participation political life overflowing from civil society and inspired by the Statute
Party but also by the Code of Ethics
, fundamental essence of the work of the Party itself:

women and men participating in the Democratic Party recognize the Italian Constitution the primary source of Rules political community.
consider his principles, as well as those enshrined in the charters of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the reference a political commitment to fully serve the common good, social justice of an inclusive model of coexistence .
addition to his duties with the laws , joining the Democratic Party undertakes to conduct inspired by ethical principles in this Code .
Women and men of the Democratic Party consider pluralism a wealth and choose comparison Democratic as a method to search for shared synthesis .
Women and men of the Democratic Party live with the political commitment and responsibility , therefore, feel duty to confront and to account for their actions . Promote capabilities and skills , in the belief that (...) these would quality political action . They favor
transparency of decision-making and participation Democratic in the most inclusive. (...) Women and men of the Democratic Party to inspire his own political style ' honesty and sobriety . Maintain a correct relationship with citizens, not limited to elections . Do not abuse their authority or office to draw institutional privileges; refuse management oligarchic patronage or power, the logic of exchange or undue pressure . (...) Women and men of the Democratic Party are committed to (...):
waive or refrain from taking executive in the party (...) if it can constitute a conflict of interest that affect their behavior .
Women and men of the Democratic Party are committed to (...):
adopt and adhere to participatory decision processes, trasparnti motivated , respectful of the pluralism of political positions and existing cultural support information and the involvement of members and supporters in the life of the party , avoiding the organizational choices that produce forms of internal crystallization and exclusion, discrimination or bias, and ensuring that the guidelines will contribute to a political and cultural freedom of discussion within the Party;
Women and men of the Democratic Party does not agree to a candidate, any type of election - even the internal character of the party - those for whom the date of publication of the convening of the electoral meetings , was:
a) issued the decree ordering the trial;
b) staff issued protective order is not canceled on appeal;
c) issued ruling condemnation, although not definitive, or as a result of plea bargaining. (...)
is hereby established the Committee for the implementation of the Code of Ethics .
(...) The Committee is empowered, inter alia, in:

a) promote awareness and compliance with the Code of Ethics , including by providing advice or clarification of its provisions or by acting on all questions of interpretation that may arise;
b) express opinions on the content binding , on reports of violations of the Code of Ethics addressed guarantee institutions under the Statute.

After the vote the administrative support unit by the Base the Democratic Party, it alleges the mayor and the council group is the norm for a party that wants to defined as such.
There are several reasons why the current , arise after the primaries that saw Bersani elected national secretary, continue to act divided , especially in a difficult economic time
for the country and even more for our area.

We want to contribute to fruitful meetings, comprehensive and unifying involving associations, movements and personalities interested in giving an impetus to the constructive local PD at this time in full confusion.
The strategic objective is to build a PD Materano ethically vital , where the rules strength and are not obstacles to get there, we have much work to do. commitment in the municipal government, provincial and regional levels is critical because land development is the condition of
success of any further political action.
Nothing we achieved was granted, but most of what we have achieved nothing is assured for the future if we do not the strength to continue on the path of reform and of ' Innovation .

Administrators can use the benefit of the city our proposals, not understanding them as sterile criticism or interference but as coaching and constructive contribution to the resolution problems of the whole community. The search for a location where the choices and decisions of the parties to meet and converge with a wider audience of people is exactly what the groups to which party leaders must aim for.
We believe that should trigger, and re-ignite, a process that invests on
desire to debate and the desire for the participation of our people

without enthusiasm and without passion to help grow the party "new" that we need. Civogliono confidence and optimism. Gifts which are not lacking .

Friday, July 9, 2010

Matching Shoes For Champagne Colour Dresses


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Allergy Lymph Node Behind Ear

The source of these correspondences between days and destiny lies in the traditions of the Kabbalah, the ancient and very dense, and just wants to sweep these traditions in my blog. What I say here will be very simple, I guarantee you, but, of course, "simple" does not mean easy.
As perhaps you have already noticed in your personal spiritual quests, the simple things are often, for the modern rational mind, the most complicated. Igor Sibaldi
THE ANGEL OF TODAY 01. Wehewuyah - From March 21 to 26
02. Yeliy'el - From March 26 to 31 03. Seyita'el - From 31 March to 5 April

04. 'Elamiyah - From April 5 to 10
05. Mahashiyah - From 10 to 15 aryl
06. Lelehe'el - From April 15 to 20
07. 'Aka'ayah - From April 21 to 25

08. Kahethe'el - From April 25 to 30

09. Haziy'el - From 1 to 5 May
10. 'Aladiyah - From 6 to 11 May 11. La'awiyah - 11 to 16 May
12. Haha'iyah - From May 16 to 21
13. Yezale'el - From May 21 to 26

14. Mebahe'el - From May 27 to 31

15. Hariy'el - From 1 to June 6
16. Haqamiyah - from 6 to 11 June
, and caution not to stop pushing but also to address the more impossible the rock, with all the necessary precautions.

You'll notice that today, on 13, these two angels are the same, like two sides of same coin: for those born today, which means (remember? See the section 6, on angelic cusps) that up to 38-40 years, his energy will be to Kawaqiyah prevalent, and then become that of Lehekhiyah while for those who want to meditate on these two faces of the Fifth Sephirah, means that simply is not one without the ' others: go up in front of you - when you want to go - pointing the way.
E leave me with Kawaqiyah , leaving another Angelology exercise, to play alone. In fact, we started a year ago, the letters of the sacred, then we talked a bit 'of creation and other sacred events, and finally we came to the tree of life: we are now in Sephirah Geburah, whose Angels continue until 13 October and then from October 14 to November 22 will be the sixth Sephirah, the Angels called Virtue, gold, dell'accorgersi teachers and look around, and it will last from November 23 'Olam, or size, of the afterlife: the 'Olam training, corresponding to the period in which, already conceived, expecting the birth. Here are the rulers, or the Angels of Beauty (from 23 November to 31 December), then the Archangels (1 January to 9 February) and then the Angels moon (from February 9 to March 21). Well, to proceed efficiently in your Angelology course, try to explore the Angels, from now on, on your own, if you want to reread the episodes of this blog, the first on ... I am sure you will discover many more things than it has been the first reading, and above all, recognize that many of the suggestions for further reflection, that you had not noticed the first time. Kawaqiah Lehekhiyah and will give you a sure hand on these slopes and cliffs. One last tip: do not rush, on the one hand, and

know that you can never turn! There is only the way, it can only go, never ended in the past and does not end, just like life.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Play One Deck Pincole

Vocabulary: Other

of Sibaldi Igor 17/11/2009

a word is important for everyone, both adults and only know the meaning: that here, in full, that expression so dear to the relatives: "When you're grown up, you'll understand ... The child in fact has no concept of 'other'; did not, why not conceive of the plural refers to living beings: a child considers only the individual, a group, kindred, the population of a city, for a child are therefore only interesting backgrounds on which to observe individuals who are part of me, and that each was significant in itself. For the adult, however, the world is mainly a conglomeration of others who exercise influence over him irresistible. How many adults are choosing their work, where I live, the life partner, and even their most secret predilections, just based on what others considered appropriate or inappropriate?
Yet the child to have better understood the question, really the so-called no other , if not in the idea that the adult has made them. Who are they, in fact, these others, and where are they exactly? No passing that question, "You are someone else?" Answered yes. This does not mean that others are just a way of saying, on the contrary, a way not to say, to leave something vague that the adult does not have the courage to recognize, namely: the total number of constraints who suffered and who has resigned during his transformation from child to adult.
not for nothing that every adult he sees the other way her: that is, depending on the constraints with which he personally had to do, and how they determine is resigned to leaving. The result is a serious misunderstanding, that few realize: when an adult speaks of others, and thinks and acts according to others, believed to refer to a term objective, that is, to a multitude that they all appear in the same way if the figure he is and instead of expressing something that concerns him only
The consequences of this misunderstanding are enormous: these are based in fact all the other contents of consciousness are said to be collective, such as the state, morality, culture, etc.. with all the feelings and emotions they evoke - And such content is based entirely on what is called RATIONALITY. Apparently they are all ways in which an adult can not think for themselves, but with the head of the others who, in his opinion, on the whole matter and weigh more than him, but because others do not exist in out of his personal projections, those collective content, and rationality and common sense do not express the mentality of a real population, but only the resistance of the individual to trust him. In this sense, are a phenomenon comparable to certain phobias for which you are forbidden to do or say certain things, fearing that no-you-know-who can not do-you-know-what for them to punish you said or done. It is really great here, the intellectual work: how much creativity, consistency and tenacity are as much use for a living and to take each adult to fill the sense that content related to a collective community unreal, and thus inherently empty! How much could instead think of each adult and realize, if instead of wasting his forces
to exist for others and their way of thinking and the power vested in them, the more work from him there a bit 'more. But most people do not even dare to imagine how the world would disappear if those imaginary other (you have you ever tried?). from others and from those contained collective must in any case distances, when one begins to discover the WISDOM, and when you venture in the hereafter. To establish a genuine connection with your I great, that we must learn to leave behind those beliefs, norms, values, validity, thoughts and words of others, which are valid in all contexts where you coincides with the role they play in world of others.
And that is never overcome nor definitive, nor durable: slipping back again, start to think and speak like the others but is so easy in the knowledge that the exploration of the afterlife, especially when in one or the ' other happen to touch topics related to social status or family. I mention this in several headings: BLACK-OUT, CONFIRMATIONS, etc. ASK. (The words in capitals are detailed in the rest of the book "Vocabulary" Igor Sibaldi, Soul Edition). Copyright © Soul

Editions. Milan, 2009
© Igor Sibaldi, 2009 Other