Sunday, May 11, 2008

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ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI on the 40th anniversary of the encyclical "Humanae Vitae"

Brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood, dear brothers and sisters


is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the end of the work, who has pledged to consider a problem which the old and ever new responsibility and respect for the emergence of human life. I greet in particular Bishop Rino Fisichella, Rector of the Pontifical University Lateransense, which promoted qu esto International Congress and I thank him for his words of greeting that he addressed. My greeting also goes to the distinguished speakers, Teachers and all participants, who with their contributions have enriched these days of intense work. Your contribution is part effectively in the wider production that, over the decades, came growing on this topic so controversial, and yet so crucial for humanity's future.

Already the Second Vatican Council in the Constitution Gaudium et Spes, addressed to men of science, urging them to unite their efforts to reach a unity of knowledge and certainty about the conditions established to encourage a " proper regulation of births "(GS 52). My venerated predecessor memory, the Servant of God Paul VI, July 25, 1968, published the Encyclical Letter Hum anaerobic vitae. That document soon became a sign of contradiction. Developed in the light of a difficult situation, it is a significant gesture of courage in reasserting the continuity of tradition and doctrine of the Church. That text, often misunderstood and misinterpreted, sparked much discussion because it was published at the beginning of a profound challenge that marked the lives of entire generations. Forty years after its publication this not only expresses its unchanged truth, but also reveals the farsightedness with which the problem is addressed. In fact, the conjugal love is described in a process global and not stop at the division between soul and body is not subjected to mere sentiment, often transient and precarious, but the unit takes care of the person and the total sharing of spouses who, in mutual facilities themselves in a promise of love faithful and esc lusivo that springs from a genuine choice of freedom. How can such love remain closed to the gift of life? Life is always a precious gift, and every time we witness its rise to see the power of the creative action of God who trusts in man and thus calls him to build the future with the power of hope.

The Magisterium of the Church can not shirk from reflected in an ever new and deeper on the fundamental principles relating to marriage and procreation. As was true yesterday remains true today. The truth expressed in Humanae Vitae does not change, and indeed in the light of new scientific discoveries, its teaching becomes more relevant results and to reflect on the intrinsic value it possesses. The key word to enter coherently into its content remains that of love. As I wrote in my first Encyclical Deus Caritas Est: "The man either becomes truly himself when his body and soul are intimately united ... I have neither the spirit nor the body alone that loves: it is man, The person, who loves unified creature composed of body and soul "(No. 5). Apart from this unit will lose the value of the person and there is a serious danger of seeing the body as an object that can be bought or sold (cf. ibid).. In a culture subjected to the prevalence of 'get over being, human life risks losing its value. If the exercise of sexuality becomes a drug that seeks to enslave the partner to their desires and interests, without respecting the times of the beloved, then what must be defended is no longer only the true concept of love, but first and foremost the dignity of the person. As believers, we can not allow the domination of technology to affect the quality of love and the sacredness of life.

no coincidence that Jesus, speaking of human love, refers to the beginning of creation by God (cf. Mt from 19.4 to 6). His teaching refers to a gratuitous act by which the Creator intended not only to express the richness of his love, which opens by giving himself to all, but also wanted to give a paradigm on which the act of humanity must be declined. The fertility of married men and women participating in the creative act of the Father and make it clear that the origin of their married life there is a "yes" which is pronounced genuine and truly lived in reciprocity, while remaining open to life. This word Lord's remains unchanged with its profound truth and can not be abolished by the different theories over the years have succeeded and sometimes even contradictory. T he natural law, which underlies the recognition of true equality between people and peoples, deserves to be acknowledged as the source that inspires the relationship between the spouses in their responsibility to generate new children. The transmission of life is inscribed in nature and its laws stand as an unwritten norm to which everyone must refer. Any attempt to look away from this principle is in itself barren and produces no future.

E 'urgent need to rediscover new alliance that has always been fruitful, when it was respected, it sees in the foreground reason and love. A perceptive teacher as William of St. Thierry was able to write words that we feel deeply valid for our time: "If reason tells the love and love illumines reason, if the reason turns into love and love to agree let keep within the bounds of reason, then they can do something great (and grandeur of Nature, 21.8). What is this "something big" that we can assist? E 'liability on for life, that makes fruitful gift of self to another that everyone does. And 'the fruit of a love that knows how to think and choose freely, without being influenced unduly from any sacrifice required. From this flows the miracle of life which parents experience in themselves, as something extraordinary happening that takes place in them and through them. No mechanical technique can substitute the act of love that husband and wife exchange as a sign of a greater mystery starring them and sharers in the building.

are witnessing more and more often, unfortunately, sad events that involve adolescents, whose reactions manifest an incorrect understanding of the mystery of life and level of risk and implications of their actions. The urgency of training, which often I refer, sees the theme of life in a privileged content. I sincerely hope that young people in particular is for an absolutely unique, so they can learn the true meaning of love and prepare for it with a suitable education to sexuality, without being distracted by ephemeral messages that prevent them from reaching the essence of truth in play. Providing false or misleading illusions in love on genuine responsibility that we are called to assume the exercise of their sexuality does no credit to a company that relies on the principles of freedom and democracy. Freedom must be combined with truth and responsibility with the power of devotion to the other even with the sacrifice, and without these components is a growing community of men and the risk of closing in a circle of suffocating selfishness is always lurking.

The teaching expressed by the Encyclical Humanae Vitae is not easy. However, it is consistent with the fundamental structure through which life has always been transmitted since the creation of the world, respect for nature and in accordance with its needs. The respect for human life and the preservation of human dignity require us to leave no stone unturned because everyone can be shared in the very truth of conjugal responsible in full adherence to the law written in the heart of every person. With these sentiments I impart the Apostolic Blessing to you all.